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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What kind of grades do i need to get into Fiorello H. LaGuardia?

Question:okay well i am very passionate about art. I want to get into laguardia for art and well since i got a 70 in my english class for 2nd quarter does this effect my chances to being accepted into laguardia?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay well i am very passionate about art. I want to get into laguardia for art and well since i got a 70 in my english class for 2nd quarter does this effect my chances to being accepted into laguardia?

It doesn't matter, just do your best and study.

Anything with the name LaGuardia redefines the word suck. Visit the New York airport and you'll know what the **** I'm talking about.

Decent grades and the ability to pass an audition.

I assume you are a student in the NYC public schools. This is a school that is available to students by competitive application. Speak to your guidance counselor - they can REALLY give you the scoop. Everyone else - who does not know YOU and the NYC school system very well - are only GUESSING - and that includes me, who has been a music teacher in NY state since 1973, as well as a NYSSMA judge. You really need a professional with an inside track to advise you here. I wish you much luck - I have several friends and colleagues (and my old college roommate!) who were Music and Art graduates - dating back to The Old Building,uptown.

From what I understand about the admissions process to LaGuardia High School, you must get at least a 3 on each portion of your State tests in the year you were 7th grade.

Then, there is an audition for the performing arts or a portfolio submission for visual art. If you wish to apply for "Technical Theater", you must also submit some kind of portfolio, but also participate in a technical theater lesson of some sort, to see how you work. There is an interview for both visual art and technical theater, I believe.

So, test scores matter as a cut-off, but the interview/portfolio/interview is what really decides it. Good luck! I'm looking into LaGuardia's visual art program for my daughter.