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Position:Home>Performing Arts> WHy is shakespear's work still popular today?....10 points to best

Question:His work is relevant today because all of his stories, plots, and
themes, the relationships between the characters capture
the nature of what it is to be human.

We still relate to his work, because his work
still describes the human condition. It is as relevant
today as it was when it was written.

His was the first use of the modern style. Moreover
Shakespeare's work is the foundation upon which
English Literature is based.

Not understanding Shakespeare is like
trying to build a table without understanding
how to cut a piece of wood.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: His work is relevant today because all of his stories, plots, and
themes, the relationships between the characters capture
the nature of what it is to be human.

We still relate to his work, because his work
still describes the human condition. It is as relevant
today as it was when it was written.

His was the first use of the modern style. Moreover
Shakespeare's work is the foundation upon which
English Literature is based.

Not understanding Shakespeare is like
trying to build a table without understanding
how to cut a piece of wood.

Very few writers and authors have been able to match Shakespear's poetic genius.

Because he knew how to drop it like it's hot.

i have no idea, but thats a good question....

Because of the iambic pantameter he nearly always used his words flow with elequency that hardly any writer can match. Performing Shakespeare, when you put your whole body into it and become one of his characters, is like nothing else. The Bard was a genuis and his work is timeless.