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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are some tips for learning how to play the guitar well?

Question:Any sort of input at this time would be helpful.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Any sort of input at this time would be helpful.

dont go to fast, dont try to learn your favorite songs right away when you cant even play chords.

learn some chords
learn the notes
learn scales
learn to move your fingers faster
put lots of time in on what you are doing.
review the things you already know.
learn to read tabs/written music
learn the harmonics
learn the different tunings
evaluate your playing and figure out how to improve
learn to play along with harmony's
learn to mesh with bass/drums
never hesitate to ask for help.
play songs slowly to get good tone and correct notes.

and many other things. If you can learn the basics you will be able to play a lot.

Check some partitures from the best: Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Hendrix, ..etc. On internet you cand find them, then practice little by little.

Greetings from Peru.

Practice till your fingers bleed!
Find someone to play duets with- take turns playing the chords and the leads.
Find a good teacher.

Most important- practice till your fingers bleed.

Watch music videos or concerts of guitarists you like as well as classic guitarists for style tips and stage presence.

Good luck :)

I only have one really useful tip, which I wish I myself had been given early on: record yourself, and listen back to the recordings. Beginners tend to think they are better than they really are. The recording process is a cruel but necessary awakening. You will soon realise where you need to improve and what your weaknesses are.