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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i get over stage fright?

Question:I am Deathly afraid of singing in front of people.. i have till Sunday to get over this so that i can audition at Nashville stars.. but if i don't get over this fear i am not going to be able to do good if im scared. any suggestions

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am Deathly afraid of singing in front of people.. i have till Sunday to get over this so that i can audition at Nashville stars.. but if i don't get over this fear i am not going to be able to do good if im scared. any suggestions

Just remember, the most that good happen is someone doesn't like you.
There is always one person.
And you know you have talent so dont doubt it cuz this could be your big shot.
But it's good to be a little nervous, (ask any pro dancer, singing actor) because it gets your blood moving and your adrenaline up.

Try to act out your parts in the play in front of some friends and then make the crowd bigger and then when you have to preform you will be ready to preform in front of ppl, either that or you can just look at the back wall when you are saying your parts.

just imagine everyone in their underpants it works

OMg I was just in your shoes. I've never sang for a talent show before until January when I totally broke my comfort zone and got up there and sang. It went great but I was shaking soo bad i couldn't walk very far before I fell. But that was the first night so dont get scared. I only really got scared cuz the band sucked so the music went to fast and it was a slow song. It wasn't great. But the ting thats important is that all I had to do to get over my nerves the second night was looking above the audience. Don't look at them and dont try to picture them naked or whatever. That is just distracting and makes things worse. You can even close your eyes when you start to sing. I proboably wouldn't do that at an audition though. But looking above their heads is great. Also make sure you know your peice inside and out so you aren't nervous. And wear something you like and thats comfortable. Trust me, you will do amazing. Good luck with the audition and I hope this advice has helped you like it helped me!!


(P.S. I just got a lead role in a play I auditioned for because of it. Trust me it helps!)

Deep breaths, peppermint tea, and lots of practice do wonders.

Perform your song for as many people at as many places as possible before next Sunday. Practice performing.

:-) Best of luck.