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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What kind of guitar should i get if i am low on cash?

Question:i'd like something not necissarily cheap, but not too expensive.

say around $200-$300 hundred range..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i'd like something not necissarily cheap, but not too expensive.

say around $200-$300 hundred range..

Go to a good store, and try several out.

First, consider feel. Does the neck fit your left hand, all strings within reach? Does your right arm dangle nicely over the body, fingers hitting strings where you want them to?

OK, now you will have several guitars that feel good. If you're going for an electric, take down the make and model of each, and then shop. The music store you're in might have a sale or a used instrument; you can check pawn shops, online stores and even as well as Craigslist and local classifieds. Note that you should save enough dollars to get the guitar adjusted professionally if it comes from a pawn shop, Goodwill, or private seller. Also note that buying used or close-out or scratch-n-dent means you can afford a better instrument than a $300 new one!

Now, if you're shopping acoustic, don't shop around for price. When you have several that feel good, have a friend or sales clerk play each one (same tunes on each) while you turn your back. The one that sounds best while you're not looking is the one you want--and you want THAT VERY ONE not "same model, new in box"--acoustics of the same model will sound different sometimes, thanks to vagarities of wood grain and manufacturing.

pick a gibson guitar they are the best ones the really really good ones cost $3000 but a good one cost about $350

fender fat strat is what i got, it seems like a pretty good guitar and had a deep tone to it.
Get a cheap fender for a higher pitched guitar.
Get an Epiphone, whatever you can afford for ur price range, They are the cheapest thing if you want for a heavy sound . Almost every hard rock / metal band uses a Gibson, so maybe you should get an Epiphone if u wanna sound hard.

Btw, Your amp matters just as much . But when your just starting out nothing is going to sound good, no matter what. Prepare for 1-2 weeks of nothing sounding remotely good.

Fender still make great guitars, so you should be crossed between Epiphone or Fender.


But the fender combo kit. You get the amp, the fender squier and the tuner. This guitar is very very good and I use it to teach . It sells for $250 and worth every dollar.

try signature acoustic ones..