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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Performing Arts major- Senior Project topic?

Question:I was thinking about performing a benefit concert, (I'm in a string quartet) but I have no idea how to tie that to a research paper. My teacher suggested playing for hospital patients and seeing if their health improves, but I don't think the hospital would give away information of the patient's health legally. What do you think? Any ideas? Thanks so much.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was thinking about performing a benefit concert, (I'm in a string quartet) but I have no idea how to tie that to a research paper. My teacher suggested playing for hospital patients and seeing if their health improves, but I don't think the hospital would give away information of the patient's health legally. What do you think? Any ideas? Thanks so much.

How about determining whether music stimulates the brain for mental and physical activity? Divide your test subjects into two groups. Have one group listen to music then perform some mental activity such as puzzle solving. Compare that with a group with no music. Repeat the test only this time test for physical coordination with music and no music groups.