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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Acoustic guitar string question?

Question:there is like orange colored cotton like material near the end of my strings. when i go to put new strings on how far up past the plugs should this cotton come.? should it be below the plug or should i be able to see it like it is now. the amount on this cotton showing is different on each string

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: there is like orange colored cotton like material near the end of my strings. when i go to put new strings on how far up past the plugs should this cotton come.? should it be below the plug or should i be able to see it like it is now. the amount on this cotton showing is different on each string

Just pull strings thru and what ever sticks out is fine ,just make sure it is't on the bridge

This is cotton and irrelevant; it is a covering because sometimes, the metal wrapping can pinch your fingers . So they wrap it.