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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Any tips on the left hand for guitar?

Question:I can't do chords, because I can never move from one chord to the next without getting that annoying buzzing sound when your finger isn't in the right place!!!

Acoustic guitar.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can't do chords, because I can never move from one chord to the next without getting that annoying buzzing sound when your finger isn't in the right place!!!

Acoustic guitar.

Practise, practise and more practise. There is no shortcut to learning how to play the guitar. Changing chords is challenging for a beginner. You have to get your fingers in the right place...every time.

I would have the music shop check that your action is not too high. This can make playing the guitar almost impossible. It is a common problem with cheap acoustic guitars.

The action is the string height above the fingerboard.

Practice harder.

Sorry, but it really is the only advice I can give you. I suffered from fret buzz for about the first two years - still do occasionally if I'm not concentrating.