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Question:in a 3/8 time,how many beat(s) of a metronom does a black note get?how many beat(s) does it get in a 3/4 time?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in a 3/8 time,how many beat(s) of a metronom does a black note get?how many beat(s) does it get in a 3/4 time?

If you were watching a conductor conduct something in 3/8 he'd actually only give it one beat (dotted quarter gets the beat), however it's subdivided into three eighth notes. For the sake of practice, play slow, giving each eighth one beat on the metronome. Then, to get up to snuff, set the tempo faster and faster until you're comfortable with playing the part (or singing) with the dotted quarter getting the beat on your metronome.

For 3/4 time the quarter note gets the beat, and there are three quarter notes to a measure.

(and just for reference sake, any note that's a quarter note in duration or less is a black note [quarter, eighth, sixteenth, and so on], while half notes, whole notes are white...not filled in)

it depends if the metronom is going in four or eight
but usually every note get one beat

In 3/8 meter, there are 3 beats in each measure and an eighth note (black note head with a stem and one flag) will get one beat.

In 3/4 meter, there are 3 beats in each measure an a quarter note (black note head with just a stem - no flag) gets one beat.

Without specifying anything but eighths, in 3/8 time, an eighth note gets one beat, regardless of the metronome marking, and in 3/4 time, it would get 1/2 a beat, the quarter note getting one beat, also regardless of the metronome marking


3/8- distinguishes that there are3- 8th notes in a measure thus the eith note gets the beat

in a 3/4 measure the quarter notes get the beat and there a three of them
this is true for 6/8, 12/16 and so on
they are practically the same thing except for the fact that the bottom always gets the beat