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Position:Home>Performing Arts> In the phantom of the opera...?

Question:in the song "down once more/track down this murderer" from phantom of the opera, giry advises raoul to keep his hands "at the level of his eyes" when he goes down to confront the phantom. why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in the song "down once more/track down this murderer" from phantom of the opera, giry advises raoul to keep his hands "at the level of his eyes" when he goes down to confront the phantom. why?

Wow lots of people have been asking this lately :-p!

Madame Giry tells him to do so because of the Phantom's Punjab lasso that he aquired in Persia. That it his choice weapon, he hung both Joseph Buquet and Ubaldo Piangi with the lasso in the movie, musical and book. If you keep your hand up, you have a better chance of catching the lasso and preventing it from going around your neck, or if it DOES go around your neck you can kinda hold it off so it doesn't tighten directly on your neck.

bcuz the phantom hangs the peoples who he hates and stuff so if you keep "your hand at the level of your eye" then you won't get hanged

do you get it now ?

Madame Girey tells Roaul to keep his hands at the level of his eyes to avoid being caught in a noose and hanged. Boy,I love that show!The movie was superb too! See it!