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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I make my voice sound different (better) when I sing?

Question:I can I chang the sound of my voice. I know I have the potental to be an amazing singer (so I've been told) and I have the range and I can stay on key, my problem is just having it sound nice? Any tips?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can I chang the sound of my voice. I know I have the potental to be an amazing singer (so I've been told) and I have the range and I can stay on key, my problem is just having it sound nice? Any tips?

take singing lessons..thats what they do..they cant give you the talent to sing..but they can take your talent and fine tune it :)

try drinking really hot water before yu sing. I've heard it works ^_^

You need a voice teacher.

Voice training.

mmmm... what do you mean by sound nice? Pitch, sound, tone, or like the way you harmonize? Restate you question and maybe I can help ya out....

hold your nose

yep i agree because i have a singing coach and she is awesome! she really helped me improve my voice! you just gotta beleive in ur self! :]

Make a lifetime investment in vocal training with an experienced teacher. Learn how to support, use your air, form your vowels, and interpret.

I've had one person become offended when I suggested she study voice, as if I were saying that she needed lessons because she was bad. Silliest thing I'd ever heard. Voice lessons rock. HArd.

Good luck to you.