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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can you sing decently?

Question:I'm in a musical.. and never had voice lessons in my entire life... (bad idea)... I sing in the shower I guess... but I worried that people might find my voice grating or squeaky...

Any tips to make my voice stronger?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm in a musical.. and never had voice lessons in my entire life... (bad idea)... I sing in the shower I guess... but I worried that people might find my voice grating or squeaky...

Any tips to make my voice stronger?

the key to singing decently involves breathing for singing.
You use the same equipment that you do for regualr everyday breathing, but you use it much more precisely and with more awareness. How do get your dialogue out into the house- you take a deep breath, don't you? Well, that 's where good singing comes from as well.
Can you talk to the musical director of the show for some advice? If not, perhaps some of the other cast members can recommend their singing teacher to you. Getting to know your voice is what lessons are about, and if you want to continue in musicals, they are almost indispensible.
Even though the sound is made in the throat, we want to stay out of the way. so, we power or fuel the voice with breath from all the muscles around our waist, giving the voice box and the vocal cords the stuff it runs on. if this air isn't happening properly, we all try and compensate by pushing on our voices with the throat muscles instead. Not a great idea. Keep your throat open and easy, and let the muscles, ligaments,tendons and all else do the job they were designed to do without interference. Just keep the fuel flowing.

loud and proud. Don't under any circumstances be shy as this is very constricting on yr voice. Just belt it out! Also, practice. Listen to your voice and maybe ask a close friend for some totaly honest critisism. If you want, make a recording of your voice and listen to it. Pick up on any faults and work on those areas.
Or get some singing lessons! Just to be on the safe side. You may have never had lessons b4, but it's never to late to start!

join a choir... works miracles!!!