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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Some advice: SHOW CHOIR?

Question:My director majored in band and sometimes she says something that contradicts what my show chir learns from the choreographer or judges so i was wonderin gif anyone had some straight advice for me- esp ppl from large schools and with the experience...
FACES? i don't know what the judges REALLY want. I believe that smiling THROUGHOUT the whole thing is the best thing to do because the judges r always so far away and it looks the best- but i also hear to match the mood of the music. What should my show choir do? thoughts?
ALSO- OUTSTANDING SHOW CHOIR MEMBER? What does one excatly do to win that? I hear contradicting stuff ALL the time and i have theories. JW. What do the judges look for in that?
Thank u for all your advice

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My director majored in band and sometimes she says something that contradicts what my show chir learns from the choreographer or judges so i was wonderin gif anyone had some straight advice for me- esp ppl from large schools and with the experience...
FACES? i don't know what the judges REALLY want. I believe that smiling THROUGHOUT the whole thing is the best thing to do because the judges r always so far away and it looks the best- but i also hear to match the mood of the music. What should my show choir do? thoughts?
ALSO- OUTSTANDING SHOW CHOIR MEMBER? What does one excatly do to win that? I hear contradicting stuff ALL the time and i have theories. JW. What do the judges look for in that?
Thank u for all your advice

Us yahooligans can give you all the advice in the world, but in the end you need to follow direction. Your show choir will go no further than your director can adminster, so don't second-guess, just do your best.

The same advice applies to trying to earn outstanding awards. Just do your best to realize the aims of your director.