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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is a good duet for 2 girls to sing must be from a broadway show?? thanks?

Question:the is a show in my school and i need a broadway duet not wicked please we have already done that

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the is a show in my school and i need a broadway duet not wicked please we have already done that

In His Eyes - Jekyll & Hyde - (very pretty song)

Stepsister's Lament - Cinderella -

It'd be really neat if you were willing to learn some foreign lyrics for a short song. It's called "Beau Comme Le Soleil"

I really like the song "Marry the Man Today" from Guys & Dolls.

"Friendship" from Anything Goes is actually between a guy and a girl, but there's really no reason that it couldn't be two girls. ...That's all that I can think of.

I think maybe........ Look at me I am Sandra Dee or white christmas's "sisters"