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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Sewing (using machine) tutorial, how to construct clothes link???

Question:I need a link/website where it shows sewing steps/instructions of how to construct clothes/dresses, with pics

thx :D

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need a link/website where it shows sewing steps/instructions of how to construct clothes/dresses, with pics

thx :D

I've linked a basic "learn to sew" website.

But since patternmaking is somewhat complex I'd suggest going to your fabric store and getting some simple patterns (they have some themed after "Sewing for Dummies" or "SewSimple"). As you start to work with the pattern you'll begin to realize why they added a dart at the waistline, how to form space for the bust, how the armhole is shaped, why a sleeve has a "hill" at the shoulder seam, and so on.

I taught myself to sew after my mom put together a costume upside down and backwards. Follow the directions and, like a cooking recipe, if there's a term you don't understand look it up.

here is a great website for you

good luck.