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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is anyone here attended or is attending Julliard for flute?

Question:I really want to attend Julliard in the future for flute, and I just want to know how many floutists try out, and how many actually make it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really want to attend Julliard in the future for flute, and I just want to know how many floutists try out, and how many actually make it.

I know sitting through an audition for Juliard and info sessions that thousands apply, many try out, and only very few get in. it really depends on the amount of people they have to audition but really, you are looking at about a handfull of floutists. I'm sorry i cannot give you a direct number but I know that the most competition is in the flute and upper woodwind sections. so good luck to you.

I would contact Julliard's admissions department for those kinds of statistics. And if they do not release that information, try the Princeton's Review of universities for their statistics. Those are normally nationally recognized.