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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who can gallop (rhythm guitar) the fastest?

Question:If you don't know what galloping is, just think of this pattern:

4/4: x x X - x x X - x x X - x x X ......

where the X's are 16th notes on the beat, and the x's are 32nd notes before the beat. This is most common in thrash metal, and Iced Earth is the band I've heard it used most extensively by.

If I had to guess, I'd say Jon Schaffer is the fastest at this, but then again all the lead guitarists that have come and gone have been able to keep up, so maybe it's not as hard as it seems. Kerry King might be another candidate. Thoughts?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you don't know what galloping is, just think of this pattern:

4/4: x x X - x x X - x x X - x x X ......

where the X's are 16th notes on the beat, and the x's are 32nd notes before the beat. This is most common in thrash metal, and Iced Earth is the band I've heard it used most extensively by.

If I had to guess, I'd say Jon Schaffer is the fastest at this, but then again all the lead guitarists that have come and gone have been able to keep up, so maybe it's not as hard as it seems. Kerry King might be another candidate. Thoughts?

Well, I'm sure most people who play could do it fast enough that it sounds bad. So I think what's the most awesome gallop is the better question, and Schaffer is pretty awesome.

I'd say Schaffer is probably a safe bet.