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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can someone play with both hands on the piano?

Question:I can't have both of my hands playing different notes! Its just too hard! Any idea how to do it? It's just like trying to "tap your head and rub your belly"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can't have both of my hands playing different notes! Its just too hard! Any idea how to do it? It's just like trying to "tap your head and rub your belly"

Well, if you look at beginning piano books, the first few songs have only 2 or 3 different notes total and they're about 4 measures long. The right hand might play four C quarter notes, then the left plays 4 F quarter notes. Slowly, the writers of the book add in more notes- say, one hand has melody while the other holds a whole note. Mostly it just takes time and practice to master.

i have the same problem i can't play both hands at the same time...but i'm good at guitar

Alot of practice.

i was forced to practice 50 minutes a day every day for th epast 4 months
ugh. now i hate piano
but at least i can say that i CAN play with both hands at the same time
just learn one hand at a time very well and then practice slowly putting them together and get faster as you can