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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Should I stop playing piano?

Question:I'm natural at playing the piano. I can hear any song by ear and play it on the piano. But the problem is I absolutely HATE it!! My parents however are making me play the piano. What should I do, I have natural talent in piano and that's why they are making me play it!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm natural at playing the piano. I can hear any song by ear and play it on the piano. But the problem is I absolutely HATE it!! My parents however are making me play the piano. What should I do, I have natural talent in piano and that's why they are making me play it!!

If you hate it, then your parents are ruining it for you by making you play.

Go ahead and share this response with them--it comes from a PhD whose degrees include a bachelor of music and who has taught private lessons, directed ensembles, and taught at the college level:

You need to take a break. Get away from the piano for a while. Experiment with other activities. If there is anything you DO love to do, then engage in it.

After a time, you may find that you miss being able to express yourself through your natural ability at piano. If that happens, then you'll take to the piano again and you won't need to be forced.

But if you never go back to the piano, and meanwhile find something you love that can lead to a fulfilling life, then you are much better off as a person.

Note that I'm multi-talented--and my life and career suffered because I was continually encouraged to do things that others thought were good for me--and I was generally good at all of them, the problem was that I didn't enjoy doing most of them. It seems that most people hate their jobs--and that's unfortunate, because your jobs are going to take up more of your life than any other activity except sleep. It wasn't until I found the opportunity to explore what I truly loved to do and then was able to prepare myself for that career that I settled in and found stability and satisfaction.

Then quite and play guitar or saxophone.Maybe they hate these instruments and will leave you alone.

i guess you are gifted..maybe you should try something else..guitar or any musical instrument dont force yourself to do something you dont like..tell your parents about it

i wish i had your talent, when you say they make you do it, for how long is that 12 hours a day? i would not give it up, but then again, i can only think of the long term advantage

Well, you might want to spend some time thinking about WHY you hate it. Is it just because you parents are pressuring you so much, or is there something else? Once you find the answer to that, it'll be more clear what you should do.

You're obviously good and talented at it, and most people tend to like doing things they're good at. So the obvious question is: why do you hate it?

If you hate it simply because its something your parents want you to do, and this is your form of adolescent rebellion against your parents -- then quite frankly I have to say that's a very childish attitude to take. I know a lot of people who played piano or some other musical instrument when they were young, but quit for one reason or another -- and every one of them, when they got older, regretted quitting and wished they'd stuck with it.

If you hate it because you don't like the music your parents want you to play (like maybe they want you to play classical but you'd rather play rock or jazz) -- then play the music that interests YOU. Its your piano, its your musical talent, play what YOU like.

If you hate it because your parents are pressuring you to spend more time practicing than you'd like, and limiting the time you have to spend with your friends or pursuing other interests you have -- you need to have a talk with your parents about that.

Basically, instead of coming on Y!A and complaining to a bunch of strangers, you need to have a mature conversation with your parents about your music, their expectations vs your wants and needs, and come to some kind of compromise.

The one thing I would not recommend you do is quit playing music. You may not think so now, but if you do, I can almost promise you that 10 or 15 or 20 years from now, you'll look back and realize how good you could have been if you hadn't quit, and you'll be sorry you gave it up. You have a gift -- don't throw it away!

I'm sure their intention is to have you be a well rounded person and to use your talent. But if you truly have no desire to play piano then I would discuss this with them seriously. I've heard some adults say they wished they had stuck with it and not quit. Then I know of others who were forced to do it and they too had talent, but now they don't play. If you quit and have a natural talent and don't feel so much pressure, perhaps at a later time you could return to it if you began to feel differently.. If there is some other instrument that you would love to try, talk to them about that. As you are getting older and headed to college it won't do any good to be forcing you to play something that you don't really want to play. Personally I have always had a deep regret that I stopped playing piano but I never had the natural talent that you do. I do play harp and that has brought me pleasure as well though..

get or Change teacher or style of music. How about changing your focus from piano performing to composing or arranging where you could use your talent for something that excites you

are u interested in trying other instruments? that might be the solution. you could try picking up the guitar or violin or anything else. if u have a natural ear for it, any instrument would apply to ur ability. i get sick of the piano too, and i started learning violin n i self taught myself guitar and its great. its just when i get sick of classical i revert to my guitar, so yea find what works for u!

I started playing when i was 6 and i stopped when i was 11. And i'm 13 now. My whole family said i was sooo good and they wanted me to play 4ever, but i never really liked it. Just tell them how you feel.