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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Imaginative name for a concert?

Question:I run an arts festival. The opening night will most likely be several community groups (bands, orchestras, choirs etc) performing a fairly mixed programme of several different styles.

Rather than call it "Community Concert", what would be a good, imaginative name to give the event? Something that reflects the broad range and creativity of the evening?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I run an arts festival. The opening night will most likely be several community groups (bands, orchestras, choirs etc) performing a fairly mixed programme of several different styles.

Rather than call it "Community Concert", what would be a good, imaginative name to give the event? Something that reflects the broad range and creativity of the evening?

Adroitness at Dusk

Adroitness Meaning...
Skillful performance or ability without difficulty.

Dusk Meaning...
The state or period of partial darkness between day and night; the dark part of twilight.

Eclectic Arts Festival of Music.

Arts Collective

Community Collection
(community name) Arts Festival
Fine Arts Showcase
Talent Showcase