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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do you have to take English, math, etc.when you go to Julliard?

Question:I didn't do any of my music degrees at Juilliard, but my understanding is that man American conservatories DO have some sort of non-music requirements, but they're not taken very seriously. To me, this means that you're paying a ton of money for purely vocational training. I think that's a waste, but that's just my opinion.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I didn't do any of my music degrees at Juilliard, but my understanding is that man American conservatories DO have some sort of non-music requirements, but they're not taken very seriously. To me, this means that you're paying a ton of money for purely vocational training. I think that's a waste, but that's just my opinion.

First of all, you need to learn how to SPELL Juilliard. And second, you must realize that only a microscopic percentage of people who wish to attend there actually are accepted. All college programs require you to take amount of academics - for a general rule of thumb, a BA in music requires 75% academics, 25% music. A BS in music is 5/50. A BM degree is more like 25% academics and 75% music. To be accepted into a fine conservatory like Juilliard, Hartt, Oberlin, Curtis, New England, Manhattan, etc. , you must have an incredible HS record - a very high average - and then ALSO have a truly remarkable preparation on your instrument. You should have already amassed musical honors, and have many years of private study with top teachers. This should help you play a fabulous audition - and THEN they only take a certain amount of each instrument. Good luck!