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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I have just started a christian contemporary quartet. What song should we practi

Question:We are performing during church service 2 months from this coming saturday.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We are performing during church service 2 months from this coming saturday.

I don't know if you ever have heard of Acappella the group, but they were a group of 4 gentlemen and one of my favorites that they preform is I'll Fly Away, and another good one they do is Amazing Grace. Try listening to them and I am sure will love them. If you have trouble you can listen and download from I Tunes. Sing away!


Amazing grace is a good song.

You could also try the song " So Happy I'll Be " heard a quarter do that quite well

mary-mary , lift the shackels of my feet so I can dance??
Amaizing grace is also always a good choise!!