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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Are some people gifted at playing the guitar and others not?

Question:i find many guys play so well yet i'm dumb myself. have played for 2 years yet still can't make it.pretty sure you don't want to hear my songs lol does it have anything to do with gift or talent?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i find many guys play so well yet i'm dumb myself. have played for 2 years yet still can't make it.pretty sure you don't want to hear my songs lol does it have anything to do with gift or talent?

Most people can play a guitar well if they put their minds to it, just takes more practise than it does for others.

Some take to a guitar like a duck to water, so I guess some have a natural ability to play.

No. Their is no 'gift' for playing guitar.

It just takes a lot of practice, as with any instrument. I've been playing for 14 years, and my work can use a little bit of work.

Musicality is a talent just like painting. Sure we can learn but we cant all be leonardo de vinci. just look at x factor for proof of the wide range of "talents"!!!

Some people just excell at it and others dont..

believe me after twenty years,i'm still not brilliant,
i think its both gift and talent,also commitment and repitition.

i've been playing for ten years and ain't as good as i think i should be. if you keep practising you'll greatly improve.i seemed to improve greatly all of a sudden.but yes i do reckon some people just do seem to have the knack but that could be true for any activity not just guitar.
one thing is for sure, you'll not improve without practising.

People may learn playing the guitar by practicing...

There is no such thing as gift its just some people may be able to learn a little quicker than you but you should know that if you really want to do or say something you have to believe in yourself and what you are doing. So if you really want to play guitar then you should believe that you can do it and never put yourself down or let others put you down rember nothings impossible if you out your mind to it never say never again! I hope i've helped you out rember nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and believe in yourself!

When I was learning Classical Guitar there were two of us plus the teacher. We were very different. I was very sensory in my learning, so it was all about the sound and my friend was very good at the technical side of reading the music. I just think we are all different and learn in different ways and have to keep going and not worry about others.

Not in so many words...anyone can do it if they put there mind to it, but in my opinion, some people are naturally better than it than others some people are talented at singing ,some people are talented at rugby or football, at acting or at dancing, it varies from person to person but as long as you have a Passion for it you should do well, just not quit to Mozart's standards.

How often do you practise ? Any musical instrument should be practised for at least one hour EVERY day....preferably two hours.
This includes, scales, chords and sight reading.

Do you do this every day? There is no substitite for practise and hard work.

It's been my experience that there are some people who take to an instrument more naturally than others do, but it is also my experience that if you work hard enough and long enough, anyone can learn or master an instrument.

I am not a natural and had to work my butt off to gain my abilities. It took years, but it is worth it. Everytime I gig or everytime I stand in front of my students, it is worth it!!!

Good luck!

Everyone of us is an individual being. A mixture of 2 other different mixtures of personalities and genes, created by random choice.
Sometimes people can feel an instrument differently, play on it as well. That makes us "individual", but "equal" as well because everyone can "learn" how to play on a guitar, but some of us will feel it differently/play on it differently.