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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is it hard for anyone else to sing and play guitar?

Question:i always get thrown off. i just started playing not to long ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i always get thrown off. i just started playing not to long ago

I'm terrible at it. I've tried several times, but I suppose I've never really had the desire to keep forcing myself to practice it. I much prefer to just play, especially when I get to lose myself in the music. Someday though...maybe.

Yes its hard, it just takes a lot of practice until you can do it automatic without thinking.

Yeah, i don't play very well at all so it's pretty difficult for me. You should try piano! That's even harder to sing with for me.

I find it almost impossible. However, I can't sing, but I can play the guitar. So I stick to playing.