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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Oboe high note help??

Question:I'm having trouble getting out my high D and Eb and I have to perform my solo next Saturday so what I can do to strengthen my embouchure by then??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm having trouble getting out my high D and Eb and I have to perform my solo next Saturday so what I can do to strengthen my embouchure by then??

Try dropping your jaw, and putting SLIGHTLY more pressure on your reed, but this might make you sound sharp. Oh, and you probably need to use more air on your high notes and focus it more, I think...

If it's a solo, you can transpose the entire composition down a chromatic step or a whole step, and work on your embrouchure later.

I'm not a woodwind player. I am a brass player and this works for brass instruments so, I don't know if it will work for a double reed embouchere.

When I have to play after having layed off playing for a while, I religiously practice for 1/2 hour, 2 or 3 times a day for 2 weeks (since you are already 'there' 1 week should do it).

I'd just run up the scale to high Db/E until your lips get tired, then rest for 5 minutes. My brother is a pro-level trumpet player -- his advice: play 5 minutes, rest 5 minutes, but do it for a long time (like I said 2 or 3 1/2 hour periods per day).

There are no 'tricks' for getting your lips in shape, other than playing a lot.

Finally. Do NOT play on Friday. Give your mouth 1 day rest before the recital/concert.

Good luck.
