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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm not used to this kind of guitar, how do I change the strings?

Question:I just got a new acoustic guitar and I need to change the strings, but it has these button-like things that go into the guitar and hold the strings, how do I take them out and change the strings?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just got a new acoustic guitar and I need to change the strings, but it has these button-like things that go into the guitar and hold the strings, how do I take them out and change the strings?

When changing the strings on an acoustic guitar it is most important to relieve the pressure first. This is done by turning the tuning gear in a way that makes the string go slack. Once there is sufficient slack in the strings you can pull the peg at the bridge. The peg causes the ball of the string end to stay in its hole. A guitar store will have a handle that can be used for winding/unwinding strings. It has a slotted area on the part that goes over the tuning key and that slotted area can be used to pull the peg out. Also, take a look online. Lots of good resources complete with pictures.