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Question:How do people belt without cracking? I hate to belt and I use my head voice most of the time.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do people belt without cracking? I hate to belt and I use my head voice most of the time.

You have to belt from the diaphram. This is the stomach muscle. The best way to learn is to breathe in with your hand on your stomach and breathe out. Your hand should follow up and down as you breathe.
This is how you should sing and not through the nose or throat or whatever.
If you need to belt out a song, just push with your stomach. This is where it stems from . When you yell, you yell by taking a deep breadth and pushing with the stomach.
so singing , is done that way. And just to let you know that , with this methid, you can sing hours on end and not even get a sore throat.

It's a hard question to answer in writing, but there's a technique of creating pressure below the voicebox that allows one to sing very loudly without much effort. I learned it while learning how to Tuvan throat sing. It's sort of like pinching the opening of a balloon to make it squeak really loud. There's a muscle in the throat that does this same thing, but it takes some time and practice to be able to find it and control it.

I used to struggle and wear myself out whenever I had to sing loudly. Now I have to be careful to not sing too loud.

I can't explain it well, but I can tell you that it's something you can learn, and that you don't have to be born with it.

Good luck!

You won't crack if you breathe as suggested and place the higher notes correctly. Practice vocalises on the word "nasty" - go up five notes - the n and the aaa will put your voice in the correct placement. Make sure you aren't tense when going for the high notes - a good way to assure that is to practice leaning over - it relaxes the facial muscles and opens up the back of the throat. Keep the tip of your tongue behind your teeth when it's at rest and don't drop your jaw down to the floor.