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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What's the cheapest electric guitar?

Question:One that works, and is close enough to full scale.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: One that works, and is close enough to full scale.

Go to the eBay if you have internet access. Don't pay more than $60 with shipping included. ...OR.... You can go to the Amazon dot com, they are a little bit higher than the eBay.

The ones that you can buy at Penny's or at Sears.....and believe me, they are horrible.....not worth the money....the best way to buy an inexpensive guitar that sounds decent is to go to the Guitar Center....and see what they have....your going to have to play them first....check on the sound and the action.....but you have to be the one to decide which one is pleasing to your may not like the same sound that I do....also check out the pawn shops....Yamaha has some great electric acoustic guitars, and they aren't that have to spend at least $200.00 for something that sounds decent....remember you get what you pay you don't have at least that wait until you can afford more, in the long run it will be worth it, the Guitar Center is very good at giving you a deal, just ask, I've had them take off as much as $50.00, so don't be shy, ask, good luck to you !!!!!!

Buy a Mexico Strat....... I know it sounds like a lot of money but it wont fall to bits after 1yr and it will last a life time if looked after.

I have played one now for 18yrs it sounds better then the made in the USA one that I have.

Edit ... dddbbb ... your some kind of a joker you don't like Fenders made in Mexico but then go and recommend a piece of 5hit made in CHINA. wot a fool.

Don't get it, unless you are only buying it to smash it dramatically onstage. The cheapest I know of are SXs, but they play like dogs and sound terrible.

Mexican Fenders are not cheap. They're just cheaper than American Fenders. To be frank, they're as good as American Fenders, it's just chauvinism that makes people pay more for guitars with 'Made in USA' on them. I have a Mexican Tele and it's beautiful.

You should try going on Amazon they have cheap prices there all the time and their instruments are pretty good.

Anyone who thinks mexican strats sound like american strats has never played an american strat or is completely deaf! They are made from completely different materials under completely opposite standards. If you held the two behind your back(unplugged!!!) and someone plucked one string on each and you didn't IMMEDIATELY pick out the American model you would have to be a monkey -- not a human.

Goon ebay and buy one for $50. WHo cares how it looks. Its the musician that plays and not the guitar.