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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Where to find materials to help learn the drum set?

Question:I currently have the " Fast Track to Drums" , which is really the fast track. I feel this book doesn't provide much technique or exercises to improve my playing. Any recommended books or free online drumming websites that give techniques,exercises, and possibly a lesson plan that will give more than a 20 minute run through? I am not expecting it to be better nor close to the level of a private tutor of course.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I currently have the " Fast Track to Drums" , which is really the fast track. I feel this book doesn't provide much technique or exercises to improve my playing. Any recommended books or free online drumming websites that give techniques,exercises, and possibly a lesson plan that will give more than a 20 minute run through? I am not expecting it to be better nor close to the level of a private tutor of course.

I did a search on Drum Rudiments.
There are about a million sites
with the info you want.

It's a very good idea to learn all
40 or so of the rudiments. They are designed not only
for learning how to play all the fills you want,
but just as important, they keep your wrists
and muscle-memory up to speed.

Over time there is a tendency
for ones wrists to become lop-sided.
The right hand often does a lot more
work than the left (depends on the music
you play).

What I do is plug in my ipod and play the rudiments
in time to my favorite tunes.

The links below will lead to other sites
with mini-lessons and publications.

The book I learned on - Haskell-Harr Drum-method vol. 1
I also took band/orchestra in high school.