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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How good is an A5?

Question:I am a young man living in Northern Virginia, and I enjoy singing. The highest note that I can sustain consistently in full voice is an A5 (the fifth A on the piano). The lowest is an A2. In falsetto, my absolute highest note is a C6. I would like to know whether the highs are fairly high and the low fairly low.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a young man living in Northern Virginia, and I enjoy singing. The highest note that I can sustain consistently in full voice is an A5 (the fifth A on the piano). The lowest is an A2. In falsetto, my absolute highest note is a C6. I would like to know whether the highs are fairly high and the low fairly low.

I am not sure if you are being consistent or not with your notes but that's a cool range. A2 is pretty low. People can go much lower. A5 is high. Most people can't go that high. You say full voice but I think you might mean that it isn't falsetto but you can sing it quietly. If I am wrong and you really have 3 octaves of full power singing then congrats. Falsetto is cheating but I can hit an