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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anybody knows why there is less oboist than any other instrument?

Question:I just wanted to know why in the world there is less oboe palyer than anyother instrument(I am the only one in my class). Is it is because of the reed problomes or Waht!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just wanted to know why in the world there is less oboe palyer than anyother instrument(I am the only one in my class). Is it is because of the reed problomes or Waht!

Be thankful. If you are really good you can get scholarships to college! If you are really really good and want to play professionally you won't have as many people competing in auditions either. Fewer people play oboe for a lot of reasons. In public schools instrumental teachers often don't want to start oboe players. It's a tougher instrument to play. The double reed breaks and is expensive once you get into a "real" reed (not a plastic beginners reed.).... the instruments are expensive... getting the correct embouchure is difficult (2 main embouchures).... I middle and high schools that then means the teacher has to "switch" someone from their original instrument to the oboe. The oboe is a little less versatile in some ways..... ie: How many oboes do you find in a jazz band? or a rock band? I personally love playing the oboe. Enjoy being "the only one."

In band programs, it evolved that the woodwind backbone is clarinets (range and volume issues, mostly). Also, the oboe has a reputation for difficulty (not so deserved). Double reeds are about the only instruments where a professional player customarily makes part of his instrument (the reed).

Be the few, the proud,...the double reeds!

The oboe is generally considered as a solo instrument. It sticks out because of its unusaul timbre and range. It is also one of the most difficult instruments to play in tune. The instrument is also known for intonation problems as well. There is also little middle ground for mediocrity or ametuar playing. It is either the instrument is played extremely well or extremely poorly. For this reason most that take up the instrument quit because there is only room for one obeo player in the band and that person is solely responsible for carrying out that part to perfection or demise.
I hope this helps.