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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does not talking for a day good for your voice?

Question:my throat hurts!! I was singing in class today and my throat cracked after singing. i have to sing in a stupid tree lighting ceremony tomorrow after school!!! EVERY ONE depends on ME !!!!! help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my throat hurts!! I was singing in class today and my throat cracked after singing. i have to sing in a stupid tree lighting ceremony tomorrow after school!!! EVERY ONE depends on ME !!!!! help?

the previous answers are correct.

about the whole resting your voice.

it is really important, i've had that happen to me recently.
I also found that a hot drink helps!


i mean

break a leg.

im sure you'll do great.

it could possibly help

I know straining (over using) your vocal cords will cause cracks and sore/horse thoats... I dont know if not using them at all will be helpful, it's important to keep them "warmed up" so to speak. I would speak softer than usual and not yell, over-sing, or do anything that might strain the vocal cords. Just be careful and let your thoat rest! But remember to use your voice enough so it wont be difficult for you to sing on command.

Hope this was helpful!!

I wouldn't go on vocal rest since you have to sing tomorrow. Try this instead: tonight, drink some warm tea with honey and lemon. Do not talk at all tonight. Tomorrow, don't yell or do anything straining to your voice. Speak softly, but DO NOT whisper. Whispering is the worst thing you could do for your voice. Start warming up gently 45 minutes to an hour before you sing. Also, try drinking pineapple juice if you can find it. It's just as good for a cold as orange juice and doesn't strip your throat.

In the future, if your throat hurts and feels strained, vocal rest is a good idea just as long as you give yourself a couple days in between when you have do the vocal rest and when you have to sing.

Hope this works! I'm sure you'll do a great job! Break a leg!

The previous answer was correct, just wanted to add one thing. Also STAY OFF THE PHONE. Like whispering, it is terrible for your vocal chords!!!

No. If you want to "rest" your voice, what you need to do is warm up fully but only talk or sing in your "5 note range." If you "stay off" your voice it will only be harder to warm them up the next day. Think of it less like weight lifting and more like stretching. You CAN overdo it and screw it all up, but if you don't stretch you'll be worse off.