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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does anyone find it easier to compose atonally rather than tonally?

Question:It's weird. I've been starting out writing tonal periods, and trying to add accompiament (or any left hand) and expansion on the melody is really hard. Just today I began writing an atonal piece, and the melody flowed much stronger than any tonal piece I have written. I know I can emote different feeling with atonal melodies; I have done so in improvization. Does anyone know of this problem to occur commenly?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's weird. I've been starting out writing tonal periods, and trying to add accompiament (or any left hand) and expansion on the melody is really hard. Just today I began writing an atonal piece, and the melody flowed much stronger than any tonal piece I have written. I know I can emote different feeling with atonal melodies; I have done so in improvization. Does anyone know of this problem to occur commenly?

From a jazz perspective, I'd say either way is equally difficult, of course depending on what music you regularly listen to, etc. I wouldn't exactly call this a problem... if it flows that much better for you, just do what works. Don't try to change your music into something you're not.

Nope, I'm great with trills and harmonies. It's the melody itself that actually comes harder for me....

Bweh! Maybe I'm just weird!