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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How much money does a good electric guitar cost??

Question:i have been playing acoustic for about 5-6months and i soon want to buy an electric guitar...i just want to know the price range of good electric guitars

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have been playing acoustic for about 5-6months and i soon want to buy an electric guitar...i just want to know the price range of good electric guitars

I'm looking for a cheap electric guitar and a half-decent amp.
I've owned a Jap strat before. It cost me $800.00 used.
That was in the mid-eighties. I'm thinking of going for
an SX guitar. You can see some demonstrations on youtube.
Many people are saying these are as good or better
than Squier guitars made by Fender.
(check out
They are sold through ebay by Rondo Music.

SX SST62 Strat Demo
(note: this guitar sells for $99.00 online)

SX SST62 Strat Demo w/Fender Custom Shop 54 pickups

SX Telecaster copy
(note: This guitar sells for $119.00)

I'm looking for a Vox amp for around $300.00. could ask this guy.

u out yo rabbit as mind tht thing cost a least 8-900 betta get u a ganaric one

it totally depends on what you are willing to spend but for a good guitar i would say around $1000

like anything else, you get what you pay for, a real good elec would start at about a $1000 dollars and go up from there, that's new, used in good shape you could get a better deal.

to get an idea

My husband plays acoustic and electric. . He was looking at the Epiphone guitars, made and owned by gibson guitars. They make good copies of gibson guitars in the 4-6hundred dollar range. You can find some good deals on ebay.

That depends on what style you want. They could go from $400 to $1800.

50000 dollarrs. A gibson. You said "good"

i have no idea what the first answer means... but you should look up Gibson. They make some pretty solid electric guitars, go to their site and find a place near where you live that sells them. Different dealers will sell guitars for different prices. Gibson is along the lines of a more expensive guitar... so it could be like $2000. if you just started 5-6 months ago, you should get a Fender Strat. those are a lot cheaper and better for beginners.
Trust me, with only 5-6 months practice you are no pro, stick with the lower level guitars for now then upgrade after you have enough skill to make the money playing shows with your guitar.

well of course it all depends on the style, brand and quality...
My brother plays the electric and bought a really nice one for around 350-400 dollars... it is very nice and plays well!!!
So yeah it really all depends on what suits you!