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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How did I convince model agencies location isn't a problem?

Question:I'm looking further afield for representation and quite often get asked if my location will be a problem. My location is made doubley difficult by the fact I can't drive. The obvious answer is to learn but, in the meantime, how do I convince agencies to take me on even though my location is an obvious problem? I don't want to lie and tell them I'll be there for every single casting because that's just not an option. But I do want to convey to them that I will do my best to travel whenever possible. How can I do this?

Is looking further afield a lost cause - should I just stick with local work?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm looking further afield for representation and quite often get asked if my location will be a problem. My location is made doubley difficult by the fact I can't drive. The obvious answer is to learn but, in the meantime, how do I convince agencies to take me on even though my location is an obvious problem? I don't want to lie and tell them I'll be there for every single casting because that's just not an option. But I do want to convey to them that I will do my best to travel whenever possible. How can I do this?

Is looking further afield a lost cause - should I just stick with local work?

I would ask, where is your current location? Do you have a local market? Are you interested in modeling or acting? If your current location does have a decent market, I would take the time to work there and build up your resume, show some experience, then if an agent wants you location will not be a problem, if you are good. If you are primarily a model, location shouldn't be a problem at all, as most jobs can be booked simply by a picture, and stats alone. But I suspect you are an actor, where things are going to require an audition. Agents, realize that you aren't going to spend money on travel every single time there is an audition.... thus limiting your accessibility. Knowing this they will probably just move on, especially with the talented people out there that are available to them. If you are looking for an agent in an area where you are eventually going to move, express that to them, and let them know when you will be relocating. But, overall I would say, if you can't afford to fly out, or find travel arrangements when they call you for an audition, or you aren't eventually moving there, it would be best to delve into your local market... and be honest with yourself. For me when I began acting, I so wanted to submit to L.A. but knew there was a very slim chance that if they called me it would be easy for me to drop everything and fly out for a ten minute audition (I am from Chicago) so I made do with my local area and was a working model/actress.....good luck to you!