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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Should I take up sax?

Question:I play the flute and am working towards grde 6.

Everyone says that I'm good at improv. and I really enjoy it. I'm thinking of taking up saxophone but don't know whether I'd be any good. Apparently it has the same keys as flute.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I play the flute and am working towards grde 6.

Everyone says that I'm good at improv. and I really enjoy it. I'm thinking of taking up saxophone but don't know whether I'd be any good. Apparently it has the same keys as flute.

Yea why not try it? You could always rent the intsrument, try it, and bring it back if you don't like it. And by the way, I play the sax and I loooove the way that it sounds; it's soo jazzy. hahaa, but yea you might as well try it. =]

i played trumpet from 5th grade until freshman year, and i just stopped this year. as a sophomore, to take up the guitar.

in my opinion it doesn't matter what instrument you play, if you can play one, you can play them all.

by now you know the rythms and beats. and what the notes look like on the scales.
its a just a matter of getting the fingering part down.

i think you should go for it!
the sax is a beautiful instrument :]

I play the flute. The sax is a very great insturment but it is different. Not to much though. Just like anything other instrument it takes practice. Plus the mouth piece is totally different and you need to be able to learn how to use it. REMEMBER PRACTICE MAKE PERFECT.

Ya if you want to do it then do it! I played the sax then the flute and piano and still the piano because I plan to minor in music in college. Rent one first though, don't make your parents buy you one because they run high.

For any woodwind player, it never hurts to take up other woodwinds. Professional musicians in symphonies and such get paid more for being a doubler. That being said, it is better to take up another instrument when you are as advanced as possible on your primary instrument. When you are in the big learning stages, it is taking away from both instruments to take up another one. If you have 100% of your energy to devote to learning instruments, it is much better to devote 100% to one instrument compared to 50% for two instruments. You never get really good at one, you just stay ok on both.

I played the sax for about 3 years and really enjoyed it. So if you want to then do it. :]

If you have to ask...I'm not sure..I didn't have to ask anyone if I should take classical guitar studies...I've known that I wanted to since I was about nine years if you have to ask maybe it's not in your heart to play sax...stick with the flute. Maybe you could take up sax as a second instrument...and see how it goes....but I wouldn't give up the flute after all the years that you've put into it....which one is the one that you couldn't do without ? I always say if you do something that you couldn't live without then that's in your heart to do....just like writers...they say that they have to's in their souls !!!!

Try it and if you don't like it you can always quit!!