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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is it difficult to learn to play the piano?

Question:I've been interested in learning to play the piano, but I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to handle it. From your experiences or someone you know's experience, was it or is it difficult to learn to play for you? Any tips or anything that might be helpful? I look foward to your responses. :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been interested in learning to play the piano, but I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to handle it. From your experiences or someone you know's experience, was it or is it difficult to learn to play for you? Any tips or anything that might be helpful? I look foward to your responses. :)

it really depends...u can already play the guitar so u already have musical u already know how to read the notes off the sheet n stuff, so it should be easier for u...all u have to do is learn what fingers to put on what keys n tbh its not hard at all....i used to play the trumpet/euphonium n when i moved to the keyboard/piano n found it a breeze...but that was ages ago, i prolly cant play it anymore since i dont have a piano lol also, did u know, people that play the piano n other musical instruments are supposed to be good at maths...there's a link in there somewhere...

ps...i hope ur ok! i saw the news yesters n got really wrorried about u!

People say it's one of the harder instruments to play because you have to know the treble and bass staff. I play it, though, and it was a little hard at first. I've been playing for six years, and now I'm really good at it. You just have to practice a lot. That's the key.

Well, piano is one of the base instruments which teaches you pretty much any thing you need to know to play any instrument. It teaches rhythm, theory, how to read music, coordination, pretty much all you need to know. That said, I believe (after trying most instruments) that piano is probably the fourth or fifth hardest to play. But it is well worth it!

probably the most difficult, there's so much to it...but its so worth it. if you want to learn give it a try, even if you dont become the best its always fun to play with a piano and at least know what keys you're hitting. i've been tinkering with pianos & keyboards since i was 5, no lessons though, just decided i'd do it myself...dont get me wrong, i'm no player, but its still fun.

i play the piano and i personally thought it wasn't too difficult. Sure once you progress, things can get more challenging but if you have a passion for it (like me!) than it's all worth it. I highly recommend learning to play the piano because it is a beautiful instrument and if you plan on learning other instruments, knowing how to play piano can help you along with singing.

Well at first it will be a little bit hard, because it is so new. But if you practice often it will come to you easier. At least that was how it was for me.

Nope... I think that if it isn't meant for you, it isn't meant for you... But the piano is one of those instruments that is easy to play... most people say they are intimidated by it's size & their places... but I think it's all in your commitment... If you want to learn how to play I suggest you get a good instructor. If you aren't compatible with your instructor you wont be able to focus. Also, stretch your fingers before you start... if not you can get cramps... uhhh... study your music.. when you are not doing anything, study your music... try to memorize it... :D all for now.. email me if you want...

All the blah, blah,blah from other posters aside, any instrument is difficult if you are (A) Not particularly musically inclined, and (B) You don't devote the time and practice to it. You need to learn notes and chords (the chords are more involved) and you need to practice and practice and practice. That's it.

It depends. Are you willing to practice? They say piano is pretty hard on account of learning to play both treble and bass clef and having you right hand do something completely different from your left.
Now if you decide to learn to play, it will be a little frustrating in the beginning. I remember crying because I couldn't play this chord, this note, or this measure. Practice makes perfect. So even though there will be a few rough patches in the start, just hang in there and go over it till you feel satisfied.

It takes a lot of time and effort to learn how to play the piano. Whether or not the end result is worth that investment, though, is your opinion.