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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is the best way to teach yourself how to play the guitar?

Question:I am trying to teach myself how to play the guitar and I was wondering what is the best way to do it. I know a few chords (C, G, E minor, E, A, A minor, D, D minor) but I can't play songs yet. I also have a couple books, one with regular sheet music and the other one has some tablature in it.

Besides practicing, is there any way that I can learn to change the chords faster?

How were you able to teach yourself how to play the guitar?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am trying to teach myself how to play the guitar and I was wondering what is the best way to do it. I know a few chords (C, G, E minor, E, A, A minor, D, D minor) but I can't play songs yet. I also have a couple books, one with regular sheet music and the other one has some tablature in it.

Besides practicing, is there any way that I can learn to change the chords faster?

How were you able to teach yourself how to play the guitar?

well guitar definitely takes time and commitment ! Ive been playing for 6 years and i still have to practice a lot.

its great you already know so many chords. You could already play some songs if you wanted to! you might look in to getting some more beginner guitar books I reccommend ones by Mel Gibson.

one thing that seems to really help is practicing chord transitions at leat 15 minutes a day. like going from G to C to E to A and practicing until you dont have to pause between transitions! that will really help you improve changing chords! I strongly reccomened you invest in some lessons or ask a friend who plays to help because it would really be worth it!
Hope you have fun and Never give up! practice makes perfect :)