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Upside-down left-handed guitar?

My problem is kinda different from most. I'm right handed, but my dad is left-handed so all of our guitars are, too. I'm wondering, is it a good idea at all to learn right-handed guitar with the strings upside down (thickest facing floor, thinnest facing up)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Jimi Hendrix did the opposite, he played a right handed guitar left handed. Seemed to work for him. Though with all due respect, he was of the above average talent level. It might be easier to just get a not-too-expensive right handed guitar. You don't have to have an expensive guitar to learn on. That's a bad idea. If you learn it that way if you got a right handed guitar you'd be completely incapable of playing it. That and songs mostly written using a normal stringing and if you played oppisite to that it would make learning/playing many things very difficult. Well, it never hurt Jimi Hendrix or Albert king or many other remarkable players. It is a different way to learn though - just think of everything being held upside doem. Hang in ther, you'll figure it out - and come out with your own unique style for learning it. It's a novelty and anything different is good in show biz. Good Luck! I'm an intermediate guitarist and I should tell you this, do NOT learn to play like jimi hendrix. That will knock you out of whack if you get a righty guitar. I would suggest you save up money and buy a righty guitar. My guitar was 25$ from a pawn shop, but it plays like the best of them! that would be like albert king, he played that way.great for blues bending, pulling down rather than pushing up.
hendrix played the normal string set up on a reversed
right hand guitar...