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How to hold a violin bow correctly??

I am a beginner violin and I am having problems holding the bow correctly. I know where to place all my fingers on the bow except my thumb. I am clueless about where to place my thumb, and sometimes I do it wrong, and I start getting pain in my hand. If anyone can help I would really appreciate it, THANX!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok, you know that little gap between the top of the frog (the bottom of the bow) where the fingers go, and the underneath. The thumb goes in there, but make sure it's not straight. The bend in your thumb should be pointed out. Also be careful that your thumb doesn't stick out the other end, though that won't happen if you're thumb has the correct bend in it. The tip of your thumb should be the part that's touching the bow.
I hope this helped, and I hope you're enjoying playing the violin. It's a fantastic instrument:) Source(s):
I've been playing the violin for nine years. Here's a site that might help you: Can you ask your teacher? It's a little awkward to explain via internet.

Look at this:

And check out this site (scroll down a bit):

That should help! It has taken me many years to get my bow hand to be just right, but it was worth it. You can either:

1. place your thume on the bottom of the bow, with the top of it twords the white/ swirly part

2. place it right where the gap begins, in between the stick and the bow hair

I hope that helps!! Pinky goes on the tip... curved of course.

your other 3 fingers should slightly go over the bow, with your first finger a little further up the bow.

Your thumb should be curved a little.. but it should not be held at the white part of the frog from the bottom side(bow). You should put it inbetween the bow and the hair.. right beside the indent in the frog.

I'm not sure how better to explain this.