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How can i learn to sing?

how can i learn how to sing without classes is there any basic things that i can do

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You could sing in your church choir. I practice with AAAAAAA,EEEEEEE,IIIIIIIIII,OOO... One letter per long breath. Then there is doe, ray, me. laa, I've forgot the rest, this was when i sang in choir. There's little more to it. Go to free singing seminars at your local community college. I went to one on Opra, though i'm not interested in singing it. Just to try something new. There were some students in highschool, college, that got up on the stage after the presentation and sang. Then the profressional opera singers gave them constructive criticism. As how to hold they're hands, or try different breathing techniques while singing. One of the instuctors, a woman, gave everyone a sample of her voice, it was beautiful, and powerful. She had the kind of voice that could break a glass. She testified she had done it before on different occasions with out meaning to during her performances. The guests must have been surprised. After the seminar anyone who was interested in a free one on one short session with a teacher could sign up. I did, it was fifteen minutes. Found out i'm an alto, and that I can carry a tune very well I was told. Hope this helps and have fun! Source(s):
Self Start in the shower or when you're alone in your car. Ask someone if you have a voice!! I dont but i play drums pretty damn good!! After years of practicing and lessons!! Well... there are about a thousand things you could do... the problem is that singing deeply involves your body, and every body is different. So I would suggest to get a teacher take voice lessons, because I can't tell you how your body works exactly.

Also, learning to sing well involves using your personal strengths and weaknesses. Noone on Yahoo Answers could tell you that unless they knew you very well.

I also don't know what kind of style you want to sing, which is also important

If you do want a few little tips:

Breathe low, make your tummy fill up sort of like an intertube when you breathe, don't worry about looking fat, just fill up that tummy and even when you are actually singing try to keep your diaphram expanded

always keep good posture when you are singing, this allows the airway to stay open

make sure to add plenty of heart into everything you sing as well. The best way to win an audiences heart is sincerity, so feel the heart and soul of whatever you sing If your serious about singing there's only one way and that's to take voice lessons...maybe if you go on google you could get some free introduction lessons....I don't know how good they'd be. If you just want to do this for yourself or for fun I'm sure that there's pages and pages of this information on yahoo or google....such as where to get Cd's, DVDs, or videos to teach you how to sing correctly....give it a have nothing to lose....good luck....I hope this helps some !!!!!!!! Sing with cds by ear, if you play piano, guitar or another instrument that doenst use your mouth sing with the notes and other songs. You will train your ear over time and learn to control your voice a little more. But consider taking lessons later if you enjoy the singing as they help wonderfully :)