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How to i get where i want to?

how do you become a famous singer i can sing but ive dont talent shows and some karokes at fairs but nothing is getting me where i need to go

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi!
Are you talended? Then go for it!
I know you are young, and this is the best part, because if you change your mind, you can give it away before it is too late!
Join a music school or something where you will practise your skills. Such schools are obligated to push people to join in music competitions. Sometime, after practising you will join one and so on. If you really worth, they will soon notice it and you will always be told apart from the others. The important is that you will practise and you may win in competitions and your way just opened! Chase your dream. You never know where it will end up. I wish you all the best in your future.
Good luck! If you're really serious about it, you could get a vocal coach and a talent agent, maybe move to a city with more opportunity. It would cost a lot of money, but if you feel it's worth it, go for it!