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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do you have any tips for trying out to be a death metal vocalist?


Do you have any tips for trying out to be a death metal vocalist?

I have a tryout to be a death metal vocalist coming up and I'm looking for some tips. I've been in bands before, so I'm not completely new to this. Usually, I play bass though. Anway, I usually practice in the car (I live in a dorm, so it's the only option.) and record myself on a taperecoder to play it back later. I've never screamed into a mic before. Should I tryout with or without a mic? How loud should metal vocals be without a mic. I can't tell if I'm loud enough.

Oh yeah, my vocals are DevilDriver with maybe a bit of Arch Enemy, just higher. (my voice won't stay that low)

Any other tips would be appreciated too.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yeah just ease up off the mic so you don’t get feed back, and try to sing from the back of your throat not your diaphragm. Its hard to explain but you want to get more of a raspy screech than a guttural sound.
And if all else fails, sing loud and have confidence. If you act like you know what your doing other people will think so too!
Good Luck. Defecate/do abs/Use diaphragmatic breathing.