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The bassoon?

Tell me everything you know about the bassoon, I want to know everything, experiences, stuff I would like to know when taking up the instrument, and anything else.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've only tried blowing on one once. (I'm a clarinetist.)

I know they're really really expensive. Most pro models start around $13,000 USD.

The reeds are also costly and once you get to the intermediate/advanced level you learn to make your own.

I know that the bassoon has lots of thumb keys, so it helps if you have more than two! (j/k!!!) ;)

It sounds really cool when played well. All I know is that it is a reed instrument and looks like a clarinet on growth hormones. They surly make a nice sound. Good luck. It is a double reed instrument that is very long and sounds insanely cool. Usually bassoons are used in concert bands, chamber music and full orchestras.

It's an unusual instrument to play, because not many schools have them because they are really really expensive. It's kind of like the much older and larger cousin of the oboe. The reeds are also very expensive and eventually you will learn how to make your own.

It plays music written in Bass and Tenor clef, so if you don't know how to read music in those clefs you will have to learn.