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I play the flute?

I play the flute and I HATE it!!! I really want to learn a new instrument by the end of this semester so I can see if I can play it in band instead of the flute. The ones I would have a choice is Percussion (top three), Alto Sax (Top Three), Trumpet (Top Three), but I could learn French Horn, Trombone, or Baritone (NO!) But I definatly do NOT want to play the Clarinet, Tuba, Bassoon, or Oboe. So which one will most likely be least expensive and easier for me to play?

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2 days ago
When I chose my instument i was not allowed to try each one since I had not come to the day where everyone chose their instrument. I had a choice between Oboe, Flute, or Clarinet. I did not like the Oboe or Clarinet so I chose the Flute and now I hate it!!! If I had a choice it would be the Saxophone or Trumpet! Should I talk to the Band director about switching or should I learn it then talk about switching? I just know that the Flute is really difficult for me and I also play the piano. Would that help at all?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
When I chose my instument i was not allowed to try each one since I had not come to the day where everyone chose their instrument. I had a choice between Oboe, Flute, or Clarinet. I did not like the Oboe or Clarinet so I chose the Flute and now I hate it!!! If I had a choice it would be the Saxophone or Trumpet! Should I talk to the Band director about switching or should I learn it then talk about switching? I just know that the Flute is really difficult for me and I also play the piano. Would that help at all? Why do you hate the flute? The answers to that would make deciding on another instrument to play easier.

If you hate the flute because of the air required to play, then go with percussion. Both the Sax and Trumpet require almost as much air as the flute.

If you don't like the sound, then go with an instrument you like the sound of.

If you don't like the feel of playing it, sample other instruments until you find one you like.

As far as price, trumpet would be the cheapest of your top three. Trombone and/or percussion (depending on the variety of percussion...drum set? mallets? snare?) would be next. Sax is pricey. Most new instruments are around $1500. Most new trumpets are $300-500. Both prices are for the beginner models. y do u wanna play a insturment anyway lol JK i play tha clarient and sax PLAY THA SAX itz sooooooo much fun! i played french horn in school, the school provided the instrument. all i had to buy was a mouth piece. Hmm... I was first chair flute for 9 years and I loved playing, but I guess if you want to change try the alto sax.. out of the options you have that might be your easiest transition. If you don't like the Flute, Oboe or Clarinet I don't see why you would take Alto Sax. So cross that off your list. The remaining four fall into two categories, brass wind instruments or percussion (drums etc.) These are different choices. In my experience go towards percussion if your rhythm is good but your ear is less than great. If you choose the brass, all three are great but I think the French Horn is the easiest. All three of my kids were in the band. My son's sax was almost twice the cost of my daughters trumpet. So if price is a big consideration.... Hello,

Your best bet will be the alto sax. I switched from flute to sax in high school. The saxophone has fingering almost identical to the flute's, which is what makes it easy to learn. You'll have to adjust to the embouchure since you're new to reed instruments, but once that's done, just get used to E-flat as the new concert C and you'll be off ! When I got to high school I was a flute player. I was not that good. My band director suggested that I try the french horn and I loved it. It is a little harder to play than the flute. I also learned the trumpet for jazz band. I did not like the trombone the mouth piece was too big. I attempted to play the alto sax b/c the note fingerings are similar to that of a flute but the reed felt really uncomfortable. I say try out the instruments and see what you like. Good Luck to you : ) What! you dont want to play the bassoon. Its SO underrated. i play it and i love it. i have to say (on the bassoons defense), and ill probably get a whole bunch of thumbs down for this, that Alto sax, trumpet, flute and clarinet are overused. to those of you starting out in either grade nine music or elementary music, give it a rest and play the euphonium, english horn, oboe, bassoon, or at the very least a bari-sax. NOT an alto.
There i said it.
And all you non double reed instruments can give on of the invariable solos you get to the bassoon or euphonium, (it gets tiring playing the same bass line for 90 bars). Sorry if i came off as biased, but thats the entire voice of the underrated instruments and the people who play them.
p.s. euphonium your great. the flute is a very cool instrument and it has been used in modern rock music. Its ok to be different . The sax can have a dated sound in today's modern music. Its alright that you want to fit in with the school band, but think of the long term. It takes alot of effort to lean a instrument well, make the right choice. all instruments are expensive. i stuck with the flute and it wasnt bad at all, i was able to sit in the front where everyone can see me. i wish i would of went with the drums tho. your top 3 instruments are expensive. Try percussion, and im sure theres a site where you could order for cheap or a store near your area. I would talk to your band director first and tell him that you dislike the flute and are interested in trying something different. He will be most willing to assist you make a good choice, I am sure of it. Don't bother with learning it on your own. The band students and the band teacher can help you learn the new instrument now. I would choose your instrument based on your personality.

Percussion: Practical Jokesters
Tuba/Baritone/T-bone: Life of the party
Saxophone: Tries really hard to be cool.
Flute: competitive, perfectionist
Trumpet: Aggressive, competitive, cocky
Fr. Horn: quiet, reserved
Clarinet: quiet, perfectionist
Oboe: See flute
Bass Woodwinds: See Clarinet I do not think you are playing the instrument under any duress except for academic purposes where it is an elective course. One thing you have to know is that in the performing arts, all disciplines are interrelated. Knowing how to play the flute is good for you to transitioned into playing the sax with the skills.
No instrument is easy to learn, so be prepared if you want to be a musician. Peace and love. The easiest instrument for you to switch to would be the saxophone. Most of the fingerings are exactly the same as the flute. Many people have switched between these two instruments, or double on both, like me.

Otherwise, I would just pick the instrument you enjoy listening to the most and think you'd enjoy playing the most. None of us can really decide for you.

Good luck.