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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How does "somwhere over the rainbow" transpose in the key of D Major?


How does "somwhere over the rainbow" transpose in the key of D Major?

i'm using a digital sheet music program, but i have to make sure that i get the sheet music in D Major. the program allows me to change the key b4 i buy it, but when i click on the thing to change the key it comes up with some teminology that i'm not familiar with, for example - Major 2nd (2 half-steps). I have no idea what these terms mean, but can anyone tell me which one would transpose to D Major?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's too complicated to explain try this site...
This one you have to transposes for you, this one is suppose to be free :
Hope that you find this helpful....good luck....bye !!!!!! It depends what key it's changing from. If it's in C, then going up 2 half steps will give you D. If you can view it after the change, check if the key signature has 2 sharps - if so, you're in D.