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Piano Help....?

Hey. I was wondering whats the difference between treble cleff and bass do you play like one with like your right hand and the other with your left I dont know..?
I'm going to get piano lessons soon but I was wondering if someone could tell me now...

And also what is a minor and a major? I really don't understand it.

Thank-you in advance, and I'd appreciate any bits of info you have on this.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A treble cleff generally describes higher notes played with the right hand, where the notes on the lines are: egbdf and the spaces are: face. Bass cleff has the lower notes, played by the left hand where the notes on the lines are : gbdfa and the spaces are: aceg.
A major scale has a pattern of WWHWWWH (where w=whole step and H=half step). If this confuses you, go to the piano. A C Major scale is all the white notes from C to C. Count the distance between these notes. Between the first white note (C) and the second white note (D) there are two half steps (C to C# and C# to D) therefore equaling one whole step. Between E and F there is no note in between, equaling a half step. Now, what a minor scale does, is take the sixth note of the scale, in this example A, and play the same notes as in C major (all the white keys), except this time starting and ending on A. This sounds a bit different from the major scale, because if you follow the major pattern (WWHWWWH) starting on A, you would have to make F, C, and G sharp. However, these notes are natural in A natural minor.

Hope I didn't confuse you.... Source(s):
Musician Generally, the bass clef (the lower part of the music) is played with the left hand and the treble clef (the higher part) is played with the right hand. The minor and major you don't really need to know about for right now, but it has a lot to do with the key (number of sharps or flats in a piece of music) the music is written in. It's hard to explain in writing. Good luck!

PS: I've been playing for over ten years now and I love it :) Try not to use so many "like"s in the sentence.

These quetions should be answered by your teacher once your find someone and let's hope your parents find you someone who knows what he/she is doing. The treble clef in piano music is played with the right hand, the bass is played with the left...this is the lower part of the sheet music. A major and a minor has to do with the sharps and's a little difficult to explain it all here and I don't want to confuse you, rather then do that I think you should wait and take this on step by step....if I were to spell it all out here you may not want to play...thinking wow....I'll never get all take your time and let your teacher explain it to you as your learning so that your not so over whelmed. I know this didn't explain all that you wanted to know but I hope that I gave you some idea.....I play classical I know about music notation....but I think it's better if you go at this slowly....not all at once.....good luck with your is a wonderful way to spend your life....your never bored....and I know that it gives me great pleasure....bye !!!!!!! treble clef is used for the higher notes and bass clef for the lower notes. Ya generally the right hand plays the treble clef and the left hand does the other but there are exceptions. The sound of the major is more happy and minor sounds more depressed, other things your teacher will teach you.