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Please RAte My singing Out Of 10!?

Please Rate Out Of 10 And Tell Me Wheather or not to auddition for the School Talent Show!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, I am going to give you constructive criticism. Your voice was clear, it wasnt raspy or anything like that. But you seem to be off tone, and nasily. You can improve your singing, to me you seem to be an alto, who knows maybe you can go higher or lower. The best way is to join the choir, or get voice lessions. I have been singing for about a year now, and it is very hard. But if you pull the right ropes, you can be really good. Like I said, find a voice lession class, or if you cant do that. Find a piano, that you can use, and play the notes, one by one, and sing and try to match your voice with it. If you have to try harder to make it sound good, do it, if youre trying to much, try less. Also when you sing, avoid drinking milk, milk produces mucus, thus making it harder to sing. When you are singing, drink lots of water. Not soda or coffee, but water. You need to keep your vocal cords wet. You seem to have a good potential, but remember this, there is always room for improvement. ten