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Hairspray? movie or musical?

do you think the stage version of Hairspray is better than the movie?
or the movie better than it on the stage?

i personally love it on stage...but the movie was really good too

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: On some musicals the answer to this question is very straightforward, but this time, it is really a hard decision. Sometimes, it just has to do with which you saw first. For example: I saw the Phantom movie before I saw the show, and I was blown away by how much more amazing the Phantom is on stage, but in hairspray, both the movie and the show had qualities that I liked. For example: Lance Bass isn't Corny in the movie (thank God for that...), the character of Edna was interpreted MUCH differently, and of course there are many things which just can't be realistically accomplished on stage. Its as simple as that. Both had there charms, and it is very close, but I guess, as Bialystock and Bloom would say... there's just "nothin' like a show on Broadway!" i haven't seen it on stage yet but when i first saw the movie i fell in love with it immediately. it may just be the actors for me,though. the stage always beats the movie!! there is someting about actually seeing it happen which creates a magic you dont see in the movies The stage version is still my favorite. I do however like the movie.
I didn't like how they broke up You can't stop the Beat in the film though stage they took out too many songs in the movie.! unfortunately, i have not seen it on stage - however, i LOVED the movie! i'm completely addicted :) Hairspray is originally stage and there actually more songs in the stage version. I may not have seen the stage yet but originals are usually best.

For the movie side, I was impressed on the quality of the music and voices. The new actress playing Tracy was perfect for the part and I for one, loved it.

Both ways work for me :)