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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is a good arguement to make that bass guitar is better than regular guitar?


What is a good arguement to make that bass guitar is better than regular guitar? are there any?

me & my guitarist are being dumb and were saying that our instrument is better than the other. I play bass he plays guitar if you can't tell. What are some points I can make that bass guitar is harder or better than regular guitar. I know there really isn't but lets brainstorm here.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, if you really wanted to argue the point, you could say guitar was better than bass because it plays the melody of a song, and a bass just plays, well, the bass line. But my personal opinion is that bass and guitar sort of need each other to bring out the best in each other, like a good friendship. It looks cooler(I know its opinion)
It keeps the beat(in other words, it's the leader!) I have to say (I play both) that I like guitar a lot, but bass is much "cooler". in guitar you can do much more, though... take elliott smith, for example: he played the bass on his guitar and played the melody too (at the same time, so guitar requires more, but is also more).

the argument is a choice of opinion, but both guitar and bass guitar are friggin awesome Most folks can't sing that low - the bass makes unique sounds!